We understand what you might be thinking right now. Your kid is going to lose all of their teeth anyway. So just exactly what’s the point in taking them to see a dentist, much less on a routine basis?

You’re not the only one who’s had this thought. Unfortunately, a child’s healthy smile doesn’t start following a visit from the tooth. A child’s initial teeth are still important to their health and development of your child because they keep a space for their permanent teeth still growing in the gums, not to mention helping your child speak, chew, eat and smile! So seeing a kids dentist has a long-term payoff.

Beyond their physical health, it’s important to prepare your child mentally for the rest of their lives. Setting strong mouth-care habits from a young age, and creating a positive attitude around dental visits, sets a foundation for a lifetime of positive experiences and habits.

So now you better understand why taking your child to the dentist is important, but what about picking the right kids dentist for your family and what you should seek? We are passionate about family dentistry, so here are some helpful tips Silver Spring Family Smiles in Silver Spring, MD has for you. Enjoy!

Study Up

Selecting a kids dentist is a personal decision. You want to go to somebody who provides your child with a positive experience while doing it, because this is very likely the same dentist your child will see for much of their life. Here’s a quick overview of this section:

  • Ask people you trust such as friends, family, neighbors or coworkers to find out which dentist they see and if they provide care for children.
  • Ensure your prospective dental offices gets positive reviews and have a convenient location.
  • Verify the prospective dental office accepts your dental insurance plan.
  • Are they members of reputable professional societies such as the American Dental Association?
  • Does the office offer and support emergency situations and are they prepared to handle unexpected dental problems?

Almost nothing is worse than taking time out of your busy daily routine only to discover in the middle that the dental office doesn’t work for your family because of avoidable snags. It’s worth your time to check on these key areas before making a decision. If these boxes are filled, then you’ve likely found a great candidate for a kids dentist that’s right for your child! But you’re not quite ready yet. There are some other considerations and steps to take first.

Visit and Score the Dental Office

Great job! You’ve found a qualified, convenient and trusted family dentist near you. Now you’ll want to find out if this is really the best kids dentist for your child and family, and the office itself can leave behind bits of information for you to examine. You want to find an office that’s inviting and friendly to your child. You want this to be a fantastic experience for your child. Look for these indicators:

  • Look for toys, books, games and other things which are supportive of your child. Is there furniture for kids or other hints to suggest the office welcomes children? Cartoons or engaging, educational TV content can be a positive sign.
  • Make sure the office staff and dentist are friendly and interactive with your kid. Are they comfortable communicating with your child or children of all ages (including varying behaviors!)? Do they appear to be patient or understanding of any fears your child has about seeing a dentist or they might have about being in a doctor’s office setting?
  • Pay attention to the services provided to children and see if the dentist caters the treatment for children, which may include sunglasses to shield their eyes from bright lights or giving them toothbrushes with their loved and familiar cartoon or movie characters. Anything that would suggest they care about making the time at their office fun for your child.

Any of these signs are wonderful indications that you’ve done a tremendous job finding the right kids dentist for your kid. Well done! Just a couple more things to weight before making the final decision and this dental office is the one for you!

Post-Visit Considerations

You can be sure the kids dentist you’ve scouted is qualified and a strong fit for your family thanks to all your research up to now and because they support a comfortable and calm experience for your kid after visiting the office, so now it’s time to look at a few more things after the meet and greet:

  • Always ask your kid about the visit and see how they interpreted the experience and the dentist themselves. Did your child enjoy the time there and do they feel comfortable about the dentist? Did your child connect with the dentist and their personality and would your child like to see them repeatedly?
  • Did the dentist see your kid quickly? Your child’s health is important and so is your time. The dental office cares about all that too.
  • Search for signs of a gentle examination and oral care, yet still thorough out of a good kids dentist. They can get the job done accurately and efficiently while maintaining your kid’s comfort.
  • Your dentist should answer any and all questions you might have with respect and concern, not to mention offering advice on proper oral care at home, any causes and prevention of dental diseases and any information important to forming a healthy smile.

There’s definitely no need to rush the decision. As we’ve established up until now, selecting a great kids dentist for your family is an important decision considering the likelihood your child will continue to see the same dentist and dental office for several more years at least!

Schedule An Appointment Today!

Finding the great kids dentist for your child creates a sound base for a healthy future for your children and fostered a positive experience your child will carry throughout their lifetime. Each smile you see, feel proud, as you should! Their beautiful smile is a tremendous reminder that you are an awesome parent as you cared enough to make an informed and sound decision for the most important person in your life!

At Silver Spring Family Smiles, we understand what you should seek in a kids dentist and would love an opportunity to prove we’re the right family dentist for you. Let’s create a beautiful, lifelong smile for your child. Contact us and schedule an appointment today!
