There’s no escaping the need for dental care. Not for any of us. So that means staying on top of your oral health is critically vital because our mouths do so much for our overall bodies! However, we completely understand that not everybody is as excited about dental care as we are and not every person is as knowledgeable about dental health. We did go through many tough years of dental school to learn what we know, after all!

Questions are great and we encourage them because it means you care enough to ask! We like giving answers, even more, so today Silver Spring Family Smiles has dedicated this post to answer some of your most frequently asked questions about dental care and the dentist!

We hope you find the information to follow informative and helpful, but please don’t hesitate to contact us directly for answers to more pressing questions or more details. Enjoy!

How Do I Know When to See the Dentist?

As we stated in our previous answer, you should make it a part of your routine to visit the dentist once every six months in order to ensure proper dental care and overall health, and a good dentist will let you know about other visits that might be required as well. But in case something unexpected comes up, here are some reasons you might know to go see your dentist:

  • Your teeth are sensitive to hot or cold
  • Your mouth is often dry
  • Your gums are puffy or bleed when you brush
  • Your jaw pops or is painful when opening and closing

These are just a few common signs that a trip to your dental office would be necessary, but there are certainly far more. If anything seems different or wrong relating to your teeth or mouth, it’s best to set an appointment and have it checked out. We guarantee you’ll be happy you did!

What Kind of Toothbrush and Toothpaste Should I Use?

Brushing your teeth daily is a critical piece of maintaining your dental health. We recommend that you brush your teeth at least twice per day, but really, you should brush after every meal to most effectively prevent plaque build-up.

  • Use soft-bristled toothbrushes
  • Replace them at least every 3-4 months
  • Both manual and powered toothbrushes are fine when used with proper technique
  • Always use fluoride toothpaste and look for ones with the Seal of Acceptance from the American Dental Association

As far as what kind of toothbrush and toothpaste to use, stick with soft-bristled toothbrushes to avoid damage to your teeth and gums from medium or firm ones. Use soft pressure for at least two minutes, twice a day. Both manual and powered toothbrushes work well when used with proper technique. Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months at least and always use fluoride toothpaste, which strengthens and protects your teeth. There are lots of kinds of toothpaste out there, but any toothpaste with the ADA Seal of Acceptance is a solid choice. Don’t be afraid to ask your dentist what they recommend you use. Beyond that, flavor and other features are really up to you!

Do I Actually Need to Floss?

The short answer to this question is yes. The longer answer to this question is, heck yes! Flossing is important because it clears the areas between your teeth where food particles and plaque get stuck and build up. Left untreated, that plaque wears down your tooth’s enamel and causes cavities. Tooth decay is a serious issue and should be avoided to maintain strong dental care. Keep from costly crowns, tooth extractions and possibly dentures and just floss, OK?!

Why Do Regular Dentist Visits Matter?

An excellent first question and a place we love to start! People are inherently trained to think about their health care as something you address when an issue arises. But in fact, so many complications can be avoided by proactive behavior. This is especially true for visits to the dentist for your dental care.

A dentist can identify issues before they become severe, or even stop them from happening at all. Treatment can, therefore, be easier and more affordable, and who doesn’t like that? Beyond oral health issues, a dentist can identify other serious health issues outside of your mouth such as diabetes. So many symptoms of other diseases or medical conditions show themselves in your mouth. Regular dental visits should be made at least every six months, as recommended by the American Dental Association!

How Do I Prevent Cavities?

Many of the things we’ve touched on above in this post are great ways to prevent cavities, but it never hurts to hammer them home again! The biggest thing is to of course make sure you are brushing your teeth for at least two minutes per day and twice per day at a minimum. That’s how long it takes to remove the bacteria from your teeth that destroy tooth enamel. Flossing breaks free the plaque between your teeth, which is commonly where cavities begin!

  • Brush
  • Floss
  • Make regular dentist visits
  • Avoid sugary foods and drinks

Beyond brushing and flossing, it’s important to see your dentist regularly to get professional teeth cleanings and checkups, which can help identify and prevent cavities from starting. And certainly, watch what you eat! Avoid sugars and soft drinks as much as possible as they are the main culprits for cavities!

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

A highly popular form of cosmetic dentistry, teeth whitening helps your smile shine, but it doesn’t last forever because the same factors that caused you to get your teeth whitened in the first place still exist. While it can vary how long each teeth whitening can last, depending on what you eat, if you smoke, things like that, a teeth whitening can generally last up to a couple of years. However, routine touch-ups are typically a good idea as the results fade.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

We hope you found today’s post helpful and informative. Be sure to stop by again or save our blog page in your favorites because there are plenty more questions and lots of answers still to come in future posts. In the meantime, take your dental care seriously and contact us today to schedule an appointment!
